6th International OCT Angiography and Advances in OCT Congress


Attend our lunch sympsoium on saturday the 15th December, 13.15-14.00, Hall A,

The clinical value of deep range imaging with Swept Source OCT and SSOCT Angio

Carl Glittenberg, MD
Global Medical Director, Topcon Corporation

Michael Engelbert, MD, PhD,
Vitreous-Retina-Macula Consultants, New York, USA
Normal and pathological anatomy of the vitreoretinal interface revealed by Swept-Source OCT

Moncef Khairallah, MD,
University of Monastir, Tunisia
The role of Swept Source OCT and  Swept Source OCT-A in the diagnosis and management of uveitis

Gerasimos Anastassiou, MD, PhD
Augenzentrum Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Optimizing OCTA Data Report for decision making in vascular maculopathy




14-12-2018 - 15-12-2018
Rome, Italy